
Psychotronic Weapons

That it is feasible to manipulate human behavior with the use of subliminal, either sound or visual, messages is now generally known. Brain manipulation from a distance


  1. Thanks, that explains a lot. I've had it and felt like my head was 'overheating', I just cpulldn't drink enough water when i was being 'zapped' as I called it, for want of a better word. Bad enough that they should target me, all I stand for is love and fairness and truth, but what really REALLY pissed me off was that there were other totally innocent (i'm totally innocent too by the way!) and very much younger people who were clearly getting their heads 'cooked' just because they happened to be unfortunate enough to be around me at the time, in the same room/area.

    I get around it, generally avoid being around people for too long and am careful where I spend time with my family, etc.

    There are no words...... but I know this..... their game is up, there has already been a massive revolution in human consciousness which is escalating moment by moment, still 'unseen' to most but very very obvious to some of us. Their game is up and the people are in silent revolution. Make no mistake about it. The times they are a'changing.

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  4. hahahaha! There's 'proof' of brain muddle if you needed it... posted the same article 3 times by mistake, plus some clumsy typos........ oh well, maybe memory erasure is a gift in the current climate. It has been a shitty nightmare of a life for the most part, up till recently.... Life is great now I'm 'awake'..... but the brain fog........ oh well, they can't touch the real 'me' that's for sure..... That can never ever be damaged or destroyed. Still, bloody annoying and disgusting though, that our taxes pay for some hideous operatives to do this to innocent civilians. They must hire real psychos to carry out these sort of 'surveillance' operations and brain zapping jobs, etc. or maybe they just zap the 'operative's' brains too, that would solve a lot of potential 'problems'. Make zombies create more zombies. Hmmmm. Classy bunch, these rulers in the Darkness. Really classy bunch.


    SNAP I've got the POWER..... remember that lot? Amazing people.... prophets... they are everywhere the seers and the prophets. this has been an underground movement of awakening, building up to this explosion you will see now.... enjoy the chaos and the MADNESS. GOD IS A NUTTER, make no mistake and he is THE COSMIC JOKER..... with a heart of gold. HOLD ONTO YOUR SEATS, IT'S GOING TO BE A BUMPY RIDE!!!


    SNAP I've got the POWER..... remember that lot? Amazing people.... prophets... they are everywhere the seers and the prophets. this has been an underground movement of awakening, building up to this explosion you will see now.... enjoy the chaos and the MADNESS. GOD IS A NUTTER, make no mistake and he is THE COSMIC JOKER..... with a heart of gold. HOLD ONTO YOUR SEATS, IT'S GOING TO BE A BUMPY RIDE!!!


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